Suggested Workplan for Green Office Certification

Week 1
Make a plan! Review your most recent checklist or download and skim a fresh checklist from the website. Schedule a meeting with the your office Green Team or key officemates who can help you complete the checklist. Get green office certification on the agenda at your next staff meeting. Request a custom survey from our team that you can use to collect individual responses that will feed into select questions on the checklist. You can shoot us an email or submit through our contact form. (20 min)

Week 2
Do a first pass of the checklist and flag items you have questions on or changes you’d like to make in the office before submitting your checklist (30 min). Meet with your officemates who can help with the checklist (30 min). Send out the survey to your team using provided links and templates (10 min).

Week 3
Present at a staff meeting and announce the survey or remind people about the survey. Encourage your team to brainstorm innovations your office is doing or set goals for things you could do for the next certification cycle. Use team meeting time to go through some of the areas where individuals can change settings (etc.) for points on the checklist – we have a power point for that! (10 – 45 min).

Week 4
Review survey responses – did you meet 75%? If not, do some targeted outreach to encourage officemates to complete the checklist. Complete any initiatives or changes to increase your scores. Need some help with initiatives? Check out our resources here (10 – 60 min).

Week 5
Complete final touches, get the last survey responses, and submit the checklist to (20 min). We will input the survey results when we review your checklist. 

After submission
Be on the look out for communication from our team about your checklist. We will review and send any questions that came up during the review. Once we receive all your input and clarifications, we will send you your certification documentation and completed checklist! Tiles and plaques will be distributed over the summer at our luncheon for participants.