Washington University in St. Louis is fully committed to being a national leader in sustainability, a core priority that runs through all aspects of our community, our operations, and our work as a leading teaching and research institution. Explore how we are addressing climate change and environmental degradation.
What we’re doing
We’ve invested in significantly reducing our carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices on our campuses and beyond.
What you can do
From joining an organization to changing everyday behaviors, you can join WashU in protecting environmental and public health.
Share Our Stuff
Share Our Stuff is WashU’s annual move-out collections drive, this year from April 15 to May 20. This collaborative effort makes it easy for students to donate their unwanted items at move-out in a way that benefits our community and keeps usable goods out of the landfill.
SPARK: Sustainability Leadership Training Program brings together environmentally-minded students to learn and network. It will take place August 16-24 and includes an overnight retreat, guest lectures, volunteer work, and day trips to local organizations.
Community Supported Agriculture
CSA programs provide a convenient and affordable way for community members to access fresh, healthy and seasonal food while supporting and connecting with local farmers. WashU’s CSA program is managed by HOSCO.