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Sustainability at WUSM Orientation

The School of Medicine’s Student Sustainability Committee works to make sustainability a priority on campus. On August 1, committee members presented to first-year medical students as part of their orientation. In addition to reviewing the importance of energy efficiency and waste reduction, members touched on the impacts of climate change on public health, such as the link between air pollution and asthma and cardiovascular disease.

Committee members also shared information on the Office of Sustainability and Student Sustainability Fund and reviewed recent sustainability projects. 2016 projects have included Green Cup, an energy reduction competition; Light Up WUSM, which provided students with free LED light bulbs to install in their residences; the use of reusable Eco To-Go containers during lunch talks; and the distribution of reusable anatomy gloves, which prevents thousands of disposable gloves from going into landfill and saves over $1,600 per class.

Medical students received reusable tote bags, water bottles, and orientation packets with additional sustainability information.

To learn more about the committee and how to get involved, contact David Ebertz at