With approximately 10,500 full-time parking permits sold annually at WashU, vehicles commuting to and from our campuses account for an estimated 10,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year.
Through education and changes to policies and infrastructure, we have been actively working to advance low-carbon, active forms of transportation that lessen environmental impact, encourage healthy lifestyles and strengthen our sense of community.

Resources for bikers
Amenities and services that ensure a safe, enjoyable, and comfortable bicycling experience both on and off-campus.

Reducing Solo Driving
Programs that promote carpooling, car sharing, and occasional parking, as well as shuttles that run between campuses.

Active Commuter Hub
WashU’s support center for active commuting, featuring showers, lockers, and a bike parts vending machine.

Public Transportation
WashU subsidizes a free U-Pass for all full-time faculty, students and staff that grants access to St. Louis’s entire public transportation system.

EV Charging Stations
WashU provides two types of electric vehicle charging options, available at a variety of locations, across campuses.

A Multimodal Campus
WashU aims to create a safe and accessible campus for all users, regardless of age, ability, and mode of transportation.

Community Resources
Local agencies and organizations are working hard to make it easier for people without cars to travel the city and region.