Discover what Washington University is doing to improve sustainability on campus, in St. Louis, and internationally.

St. Louis Food Share Cares for Community 

St. Louis Food Share Cares for Community 
Written by Communications Associate, Jarea Fang It is a common trait among college students to love free food, which is probably why free food is present at almost all campus events. While hilarious, it’s also important to consider that a college student’s love of free food may be more complicated than we think, as food […]

WashU Receives AASHE STARS Gold Accreditation

WashU Receives AASHE STARS Gold Accreditation
Washington University in St. Louis has been awarded Gold status accreditation from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), renewing certification at the same level as its last certification in 2018, though on a more rigorous version of the reporting tool. STARS is a reporting framework developed by AASHE, the leading […]

Meet Two New StEP Businesses with a Sustainability Lens

Meet Two New StEP Businesses with a Sustainability Lens
Written by Office of Sustainability student associate, Melena Braggs, Class of 2025. As companies at many scales are discovering, a key factor for success hinges on building environmental and social considerations into the core mission of the company. Using social and environmental “sustainability” as a framework allows businesses to make decisions in a way that […]

Green Office Checklist 3.0

“Sustainability” is a moving target and a dynamic field. With the real-life urgency to aggressively and persistently take on climate change, curb greenhouse gas emissions, reduce waste and generally shift the many unsustainable systems that have developed over the last couple hundred years, it is expected that our response and activities must be adaptive and […]

Green Carpet Awards Recognizes Leaders

Green Carpet Awards Recognizes Leaders
Written by Green Office student associates Julia Borcher, Class of 2025, and Elizabeth Sklaire, Class of 2024. On Thursday, October 27th, the Office Of Sustainability celebrated the 5th Annual Green Carpet Awards–the first time since 2019. Office of Sustainability staff were graciously joined by Dr. Shantay Bolton, Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Chief Administrative […]

Midwest Climate Collaborative Awarded Grant to Address Urban Heat Island Effect 

Midwest Climate Collaborative Awarded Grant to Address Urban Heat Island Effect 
The Midwest Climate Collaborative (MCC) was recently awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Civic Innovation Challenge (CIVIC) grant to explore solutions to mitigate the effects of heat islands through equitable expansion of the tree canopy. This project is a collaboration of four Midwestern communities: Indianapolis, Kansas City, Madison, and St. Louis.   Trees are sometimes referred […]

Launching Your Green Office

Launching Your Green Office
Whether you are launching the Green Office Program in your office for the first time or picking it up again after a bit of a hiatus, or even if you are getting a new office space ready for the first time, here are some suggestions for where to start. Whether it is on the individual […]

A Student’s Journey to Integrate Climate into Medical Curriculum 

A Student’s Journey to Integrate Climate into Medical Curriculum 
Written by Communications Associate, Jarea Fang Climate change is a scary reality whether you’re on the leading edge of climate research or an individual experiencing the impacts of it. In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared climate change to be the greatest threat to global health in the 21st century. According to a 2021 […]

Office of Sustainability Adopts DefaultVeg Policy

Office of Sustainability Adopts DefaultVeg Policy
Written by Communications Associate, Jarea Fang Food, in more ways than one, brings people together. Whether by eating, preparing, or shopping together, food is an integral part of society’s daily functions.   Changing our food habits, even modestly, allows individuals to make significant impacts on the environment. According to Project Drawdown’s Table of Solutions, which outlines plausible […]

Activating for Environmental Justice

Activating for Environmental Justice
Pictured is Jasen Vest (far right) with some Sierra Club members during Metropolitan Congregation United’s 2022 Air Quality Bridge Rally . The rally was moved online to keep attendees safe in the sweltering heat. Vest was an Environmental Studies Impact intern during the summer of 2022. He shares his experience working at MCU below. While I did […]

October is Active Transportation Month

October is Active Transportation Month
October is the first of two Active Transportation Months (ATM) at Washington University hosted by Parking & Transportation, Office of Sustainability, and WUSM Operations & Facilities Management. The goal of ATM is to motivate staff, faculty and students to kick the car habit and try active, low-carbon means of transportation.  If you cannot imagine going […]

SPARKs Fly as We Welcome Class of 2026

SPARKs Fly as We Welcome Class of 2026
Though the mountain of move-in trash seemed insurmountable, WashU Green Ambassador (WUGA) co-director, Lauren Blaydon, rolled up her sleeves and got to work.   “There is something to miss about the sheer chaos of waste sorting at move-in,” said Blaydon, a junior studying biochemistry and psychology. “The mounds of cardboard, Styrofoam, and bubble wrap were discouraging […]