The WashU Green Labs Program’s checklist houses a robust set of resources specific to WashU labs. The Green Labs team encourages all WashU labs to participate in the Green Labs Program by filling out the checklist for a curated experience. However, there is always more to learn! There are many additional resources available for lab members to continue learning about lab sustainability.
While the electrical grid is steadily becoming cleaner, Missouri still relies heavily on coal for power. Reducing energy demand in labs is the most impactful step towards minimizing our collective carbon footprint.
Here are several tips to help achieve our energy-use reduction goals:
- Shut the sash on fume hoods when not in use.
- Always turn off equipment when not in use and unplug easily accessible equipment.
- Maximize used space in freezers and autoclaves to reduce equipment use.
- Keep incubator, autoclave, refrigerator, and freezer doors shut at all times.
- Decrease the energy use of -80 freezers by up to 40% by “warming up” to -70°C if your specific samples can be safely stored at a warmer temperature.
- Visit the ULT Freezer page for additional information.
Research laboratories are one of the largest consumers of water on campus. Many experimental procedures and machines require water for a lab to function.
- Use the lowest appropriate water purity and sterility for the task at hand. For example, use tap water for washing hands and dishes. Only use deionized water and filtered water when the task requires it.
- Install low-flow aerators on lab faucets.
- Follow the guidelines for efficient autoclave use (see Equipment section above).
- Use melted ice to fill water baths or invest in a bead bath as an alternative for traditional water baths.
- Recycle and reuse paper. Paper manufacturing uses a significant amount of water. You can reduce this by recycling paper and purchasing paper made with recycled content.
- Do not leave faucets running and report leaks to the facilities department immediately.
While many procedures require single use supplies to avoid contamination, some supplies can be safely reused. Labs should focus on minimizing single-use items and recirculating supplies where possible to reduce waste.
- Find out how to donate and receive items from other areas on campus through the University Surplus, Reuse, and Donation programs.
- The Green Labs Program encourages the use of chemical sharing on campus to reduce chemical waste and emissions associated with production and distribution. Learn how to use the WashU chemical sharing inventory here to start sharing surplus chemicals.
- Consider purchasing durable glass labware instead of plastic, when possible. Use glass bottles to store filtered water, solutions, etc. instead of disposable plastic tubes.
- Make sure to sort waste correctly, do not contaminant recycling with non-recyclables. Request a recycling poster for your lab here.
- Some vendors have Styrofoam cooler return programs. Local businesses (shipping/packing companies, stray animal rescues, etc.) will accept styrofoam cooler donations.
- Find detailed information on how to dispose of hazardous & nonstandard materials here.
Many experiments require potentially harmful chemicals and other hazardous materials. While not always available, some chemicals, such as synthetic ethanol, do have more sustainable alternatives.
A Guide to Green Chemistry Experiments is an in-depth resource developed through a partnership between Beyond Benign, MilliporeSigma, and My Green Lab. The guide details the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry, offers multiple chemical substitution recommendations, and much more.
The Green Labs Program encourages the use of chemical sharing on campus to reduce chemical waste and emissions associated with production and distribution. Learn how to use the WashU chemical sharing inventory here to start sharing surplus chemicals.
Please contact the Green Labs team at for assistance in finding more sustainable chemical options through WashU vendors. For information on proper chemical disposal, contact Environmental Health & Safety.
A few changes in purchasing habits can greatly reduce the waste and emissions produced by manufacturing, packing, and shipping products for your lab.
Before purchasing new items, find out if what you are looking for is available through the University Surplus, Reuse, and Donation programs. Lab members can learn how to request surplus chemicals from other WashU labs here.
If you do need to purchase new items, there are many options to find more sustainable products.
- Follow the WashU Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines.
- Look for products with the ACT label and learn how to quickly read the label (it’s as easy as reading a nutrition label!). The sustainable impacts of ACT label products are verified through a third-party auditor and make it easier to choose more sustainable products.
- Shop at on campus stockrooms. Stockrooms are a quick and accessible way to outfit your labs while avoiding the negative environmental impacts of individual shipping, and WashU stockrooms carry thousands of the most common lab materials.
- Danforth Campus: Biology Stockroom or Chemistry Storeroom
- Medical Campus: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Stockroom or Tissue Culture Support Center
Check out the Green Labs checklist purchasing tab for more information, and please contact the Green Labs team at for assistance in finding sustainable product options through WashU vendors.
Stay up to date by subscribing to the WashU Green Labs newsletter, and spread the word to other labs!
WashU is a member of The International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL), an organization devoted to the principles of sustainable laboratories from design to engineering to operation. To get involved, join the I2SL St. Louis chapter or attend the annual conference.
Become a My Green Lab Ambassador through My Green Lab. My Green Lab is a non-profit organization with a mission to build a global culture of sustainability in science.
Attend CleanMed, the premier national conference for leaders in health care sustainability, hosted annually by Practice Greenhealth and Health Care Without Harm. As a member of Practice Greenhealth, Barnes Jewish Hospital employees have access to their resources and discounted conference fees.
Contact the Green Labs team at for information on accessing I2SL or Practice Greenhealth membership benefits.