Green Monday is a growing global movement to urge consumers to consider how their food choices affect public health and the environment. The effort’s goal is to reduce Washington University in St. Louis’ ‘foodprint’.
Sponsored by the Office of Sustainability, Dining Services, and food service partners Bon Appétit and Aramark, the Washington University program offers educational materials about the relative impacts of food choices and asks students, faculty, and staff to pledge to Green Monday by eating vegetarian at least one day a week. As of December 2016, 1,560 students, faculty and staff have taken the pledge!

The idea is simple, but the impact is great. If everyone in the Washington University community eats vegetarian one additional day per week, WashU will collectively reduce carbon emissions by as much as 5,000 metric tons annually — equivalent to taking 1,053 cars off the road.
You can choose from delicious vegetarian options across campus dining locations. Each Monday, we will also provide you with a brief educational message on a food-related topic, sharing facts and tips so you can get involved on campus and beyond.
Why Green Monday?
Green Monday began in Hong Kong, where it has seen incredible success. The Green Monday team is expanding to a global market and invited WashU to be one of the first American universities to launch the program. On January 26, 2015, Green Monday’s founder, David Yeung, was on campus to help launch the program along with a team of over 30 student and staff ambassadors. Green Monday was introduced to dining venues across campus, and over 500 people took the pledge in week one.
Take the Green Monday pledge:
If you are interested in taking a more active role with Green Monday messaging and event planning, contact Aamna Anwer, Sustainability Coordinator, at aamna@wustl.edu.