Professional Sustainability Positions Available

The Office of Sustainability is currently hiring Office Associates in the following positions: Alternative Transportation, Renewable Energy, and Environmental Justice. We are looking for enthusiastic and hard-working graduate or undergraduate students who want to be part of the movement to advance sustainability at Washington University. The Office of Sustainability is a dynamic team of 3.5 staff members and 13 student Associates with the charge of providing the vision, organizational strategy, and leadership for advancing operational and cultural sustainability efforts at the University. We are looking for individuals who are able to make a multi-semester commitment to be a part of our team, beginning in January 2016. The paid positions require a commitment of 5-10 hours/week. Undergraduate positions start at $10/hour; graduate positions start at $12/hour. Associates will work collaboratively in groups on projects with oversight from the Office of Sustainability staff.


The Office of Sustainability (OOS) provides equal employment opportunities to all applicants, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or disability (etc.). The OOS is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive team with the passion, skills, and knowledge to advance sustainability.

To apply, send a cover letter and resume to Cassandra Hage, Sustainability Manager, by the end of the day Friday, December 11:

Tips for a strong application:

Cover letter – A cover letter should be 1 page and include the following information:

  • Why do you want to join the Office of Sustainability team?
  • What specific skills, experience and perspective will you bring to the team?
  • Which position you are applying for? If you are interested in multiple open positions, please specify.
  • What specific skills, experience and perspective will you bring to the position for which you are applying?
  • Why is sustainability important to you, personally and/or professionally?
  • If there are relevant skills/experiences/activities that do not appear on your resume or would benefit from further explanation, include mention in your cover letter.
  • Cover letters may be addressed to the Office of Sustainability team.
  • Let your personality shine through! The cover letter provides the opportunity for your “voice” to come through as you introduce yourself to our team.

Resume – Polished, professional resumes should be tailored to include relevant activities that demonstrate leadership, content familiarity, and interest in the sustainability field.

Application consultations (resume and cover letter review) are available upon request – contact Cassandra ( to schedule an appointment.


Position Descriptions

Alternative Transportation Associate

The Office of Sustainability supports alternative transportation programs and works to catalyze a campus culture that values commuting options that are sustainable, flexible, and rewarding. The Alternative Transportation Associate facilitates this process in partnership with Office of Sustainability staff and the Alternative Transportation Coordinator. Duties include helping with marketing the Driving Change Campaign and planning/marketing the bi-annual Active Transportation Month. The spring semester Active Transportation Month takes place in April, and it features activities such as the Active Transportation Challenge, bike tune-ups, personal transportation consultations for University members, and an award ceremony. The Associate will also promote alternative transportation initiatives and events through tabling, flyers, and social media.

Skills / Qualifications: Proficiency with MS Word and Excel. Strong verbal and written communication skills; ability to approach challenges creatively and problem solve. Experience with event planning and creating promotional materials (PowerPoints, graphics, flyers, etc.) are a plus. Experience with and passion for alternative/active/public transit and biking. Knowledge of and interest in the environmental and health benefits of alternative transportation. Ability to interact professionally and confidently with University staff members. Self-motivated and able to work with limited supervision.

Environmental Justice Associate

The Environmental Justice Associate is a new position within the Office of Sustainability. In the Spring semester, the Associate will be tasked with developing the scope of work for the position through research, building partnerships, and evaluating the needs and opportunities for environmental justice projects on campus and beyond. In addition, one of the main deliverables of this position over the Spring semester will be to coordinate a large-scale environmental justice event on campus, featuring a high-profile expert in the field. Building partnerships around the subject matter, both on campus and in the community, will be critical to the success of the event and developing the scope of work for the position.

Skills / Qualifications: Proficiency with MS Word and Excel. Strong verbal and written communication skills; ability to approach challenges creatively and problem solve. Experience with and passion for topics within the environmental justice field is ideal. Ability to interact professionally and confidently with University staff and community members. Self-motivated and able to work with limited supervision. Experience with event planning and creating promotional materials (PowerPoints, graphics, flyers, etc.) are a plus.

Renewable Energy Associate

The Office of Sustainability plays a lead role developing renewable energy projects for the University. The Renewable Energy Associate will work closely with staff to explore renewable energy project opportunities including on-site solar PV and solar thermal projects, as well as off-site wind projects. Projects will vary in scale from large-scale projects that generate a lot of energy to smaller-scale projects with a strong research component. Tasks will include: gathering information about and assessing the viability of potential sites, researching options for structuring projects, and interaction with professionals in the field.

Skills / Qualifications: Proficiency with MS Word and Excel. Strong verbal and written communication skills; ability to approach challenges creatively and problem solve. Knowledge of renewable energy technologies, policy, financials, and/or project development. Ability to interact professionally and confidently with University staff and external consultants. Self-motivated and able to work with limited supervision. Project management experience preferred.