Nia Beane

Nia Beane

Center for the Environment

Nia is a junior from Belize majoring in Environmental Analysis and Film and Media Studies. She is passionate about the power of individual action as well as government action, environmental justice, energy conservation, habitat conservation, and the connection between people, animals, and the planet. She is involved with sustainability on campus through being a WashU Green Ambassador, Net Impact member, and co-founder of WashU’s plant-based club. When not in class, you may find her running, playing chess, singing a cappella, or working for the Center for the Environment.

Madison  Seramur

Madison Seramur

Center for the Environment

Madison is a Junior majoring in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a politics concentration. She is minoring in Writing. She has always been passionate about climate issues and began her climate activist work in high school. She grew up near the Indiana Dunes and participated regularly in beach cleanups and other local climate events. She find climate activism enriching and incredibly important because climate change is one of the most pressing issues we are currently facing. She enjoys spending time in nature, creating art, writing, and engaging with peers.