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Newstead Garage Seeking Parksmart Bronze Rating 

The newly constructed Neuroscience Research Building has been an exciting new addition to the WashU School of Medicine campus, with many sustainable features that make it likely to receive a Gold LEED rating. The associated Newstead Garage has also been built with sustainability in mind and is seeking Bronze Parksmart certification in early 2024.  

While those interested in sustainability or building design have likely heard of the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system, Parksmart may not be as familiar.  Parksmart is the only certification program that measures and recognizes sustainable garage construction achieved through thoughtful design and operation. New construction projects that are certified through Parksmart are eligible to achieve Bronze, Silver, or Gold certification, and must earn a minimum of 20 points in each of the three main certification categories: Management, Programs, and Technology & Structure Design. Additional points are awarded for innovation. View more details about the elements of Parksmart certification here

The 1,846-car Newstead Garage was designed to integrate into the existing community, with easy access to the rest of the medical campus through the link, including the Metro station. While construction was underway, 85% or more of construction waste was recycled or reused. Recycling or reusing construction waste helps offset the environmental impact of virgin materials while conserving landfill space.  

36 Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations and 100 bike stalls are available for garage users. The garage exterior features native landscaping and energy-efficient lighting fixtures. Purchases for the garage, such as aluminum recyclable way-finding signs, follow WashU’s Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines. Operational maintenance and cleaning will occur proactively and with sustainability as a guide. The garage and surrounding area will be maintained by two electric fleet vehicles, reducing emissions associated with the Newstead Garage.  

Transportation is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, and parking is one of the largest land uses in cities. Building and operating smart and sustainable parking structures can help drivers find parking faster, and encourage multi-modal and sustainable transportation options. Learn more about sustainable transportation options at WashU here.