Washington University in St. Louis’ campus sustainability efforts are guided by goals outlined in the university’s Strategic Plan for Sustainable Operations. Success in achieving these goals depends on the passion, hard work and creativity of our entire community of students, faculty, staff and regional partners.

The 2015-2020 Strategic Plan for Sustainable Operations did three key things: It highlighted the progress we have made since our original sustainability plan was adopted in 2010, established new SMART goals and targets for 2015-2020, and it outlined in-depth action plans to achieve the goals. Over 100 stakeholders participated in the evaluation of progress against the 2010 baseline and in envisioning the steps necessary for visionary progress. The plan defined Washington University’s institutional commitment to sustainability for the last five years.
While the timeframe for the most recent Strategic Plan for Sustainable Operations (2015 – 2020) has expired, university leaders and stakeholders are aligning the next sustainable operations plan with the university-wide strategic planning process, which will be organized around nine topics, including environment, climate change, and sustainability. These parallel efforts are currently underway. The next iteration of the strategic plan for sustainable operations will build on current success, be influenced by the most current research available within each field, align with university priorities (including diversity, equity, inclusion and access), and provide visionary leadership.