Please refer to our list of acceptable items before filling out the form. Note that we do accept bulky furniture and mattresses that are in reusable condition or that need to be thrown away. If you have furniture that should be thrown away and you have access to a nearby large dumpster provided by your landlord, please use it! Otherwise, we can assist in responsible disposal (rather than overloading the residential alley dumpsters). Please label items as “broken” if it is not clear (especially electronics).

Any items that do not meet the specified requirements will be left behind and will remain the responsibility of the student. 

A small fee ($25 – $40) will be charged to partially cover the cost of the moving service. Review the map below to confirm that you are within our coverage area and to select which area you are in on the form.

Items must be put out by 9 am the day of the event to guarantee pick up. If rain is not in the forecast, consider putting out the night before. You will receive special instructions if rain is in the forecast. For small items, please carefully box or bag in a way that you can seal the container. Please write “SOS donation” on boxes or bags intended for collection.

Our capacity to service all requests depends heavily on the volume of requests we receive. Pick-up service is not guaranteed upon request; we will contact you to confirm we are able to service your request. Any collected fees will be refunded in advance if we exceed capacity for service.

If you sign up after the cut-off date, we cannot guarantee pick up. In this case, we encourage dropping off any items for donation or disposal at North Campus on the scheduled collection dates (items can only be dropped off at the specified location on North Campus during the collection event dates and times).

We greatly appreciate your donation.

Link to SOS pick up map.