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Washington University in St. Louis is a politically neutral institution. Listing of any event or activity is not indicative of University sponsorship or support of any political cause or position. 

Introducing WashU Spring Blooms

Introducing WashU Spring Blooms
Spring blooms are upon us here at WashU! After a relatively colder winter this year, our trees and flowers are beginning to push out new floral and leaf growth. For anyone interested in tracking what’s in bloom, the WashU Arboretum has got you covered. Biweekly bloom updates will be posted to the WashU Arboretum website […]

Celebrating Women Environmentalists

Celebrating Women Environmentalists
Written by Office of Sustainability student associate, Meghan Jachna, Class of 2027. We are highlighting five prominent women who have positively shaped the environment and have inspired sustainability in profound ways. March is Women’s History Month, and we want to share the stories of women who have played an influential role in creating policies and […]

Sustainable Fashion Week

Sustainable Fashion Week
WashU Sustainable Fashion Week brings together fashion enthusiasts and practitioners from across campus to share knowledge that encourages a responsible relationship between us and our clothing. From policy to runways, label start-ups to faculty innovators, the week promises to offer a variety of perspectives and insights in this area. Event Date and Time Location More […]

April is Active Transportation Month

April is Active Transportation Month
April is the first of two Active Transportation Months (ATM) at WashU hosted by Parking & Transportation, Office of Sustainability, and WUSM Operations & Facilities Management. The goal of ATM is to motivate staff, faculty and students to reduce solo-driving and try active, low-carbon means of transportation.  Even in a car, consider carpooling or budgeting […]

The WashU “Buyerarchy of Needs”

The WashU “Buyerarchy of Needs”
Written by Office of Sustainability student associate, Meghan Jachna, class of 2027. Image designed by student associate, MC Ramirez Gomez, class of 2027. This article was inspired by Sarah Lazarovic’s Buyerarchy of Needs model.  What does it mean for us as a WashU community to structure our material needs through a sustainability lens? The WashU “buyerarchy […]

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