Washington University supports a variety of transportation options that lessen environmental impact, encourage healthy lifestyles, and strengthen sense of community. A few of the most popular options are:
U-Pass (Metro Train and Bus Commuting)– The university provides most faculty, staff, and students with a Universal Pass (U-Pass) for the Metro public transportation system. Interested community members can check availability and find more information about the program by clicking here. Safety is often a concern for people considering commuting. St. Louis County recently announced that they are doubling the number of officers on the line from 22 to 44.
Bike Commuting– Some university members choose to bike to work or commute by a combination of bike and Metro. Bicyclists are required to park their bikes in areas designated solely for that purpose. Shower facilities are located around campus for bicyclists’ use.
Carpooling– Interested carpoolers should contact the Facilities Integrated Service Center (FISC) on the First Floor of Olin Residence Hall, 4550 Scott Avenue, 63110, or call (314) 362-3100, about setting up a carpool. Carpool riders can park in the Clayton Garage. Registered carpoolers are also signed up for Guaranteed Ride Home through Ridefinders.
Vanpooling–While WUSM does not actively participate in the program, Ridefinders manages a vanpool program for the region. To support the program, WUSM Transportation provides a reserved space for vanpool vans in the Clayton Garage. You can contact the FISC at (314) 362-3100 for more information.