Community Transportation

MetroBus Reimagined

The Office of Sustainability is happy to feature an article produced by Metro, the St. Louis region’s transit agency, who is taking the opportunity to present its “Metro Reimagined” project, recently launched to improve the Bus system of our region.

Metro understands transportation needs are constantly evolving. Just as major capital projects like the construction of the new Cortex MetroLink Station or the expanded Civic Center Transit Center are important enhancements to the transit system, so too is a new project called Metro Reimagined. Metro Reimagined is a study that is focused on improvements to MetroBus service in the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County. Metro’s goal is to better align the bus system with changing travel patterns and market demands so we can address the transportation needs of customers today and in the future.

Metro Reimagined will not only examine where people travel across the region, but also why they travel and how they want to get where they are going. This project starts by conducting a comprehensive analysis of existing bus operations and services. Next, Metro will apply its findings to help:

  • Improve customer experience (e.g., adding real-time arrival information at bus shelters);
  • Increase access to destinations (e.g., exploring the idea of a shuttle between the Danforth campus, 39 North AgTech District, and the Washington University School of Medicine);
  • Better connect to different modes of travel (like car-share or future bike-share options).

In the end, Metro will gather the results from the study to determine the phased improvements that can be implemented within the agency’s current budget.

Metro will be looking for feedback from key partners like WashU over the next several months. Individuals can get involved today by providing their input on what they would like bus service to look like in the future. Metro’s Allocation Game is an online tool you can use to voice your preferences about the types of improvements you would like to see within a limited budget. Maybe you care most about having the Gold Line arrive more frequently, or maybe you would like to have safe travel options for getting to and from campus with connections to on-demand transportation network companies (like Uber or Lyft).

Check out the Allocation Game and weigh in with your preferences for bus service improvements. Help us create a plan that looks toward the future and is tailored to what transit riders need and want out of their public transit system.