Fall 2013 W.I.L.D. Went “Zero-Waste”

Washington University in St. Louis’ bi-annual W.I.L.D. concert is a long-standing tradition that showcases soon-to-be world-famous musicians in a festival-like concert experience in the Brookings Quadrangle. For decades, the aftermath of the party has left the quad strewn with trash that has to be picked up piece by piece and mostly ends up in the landfill. Until now.

For the first time ever, it is estimated that the Fall 2013 W.I.L.D. became a “zero-waste” event by recycling and composting an estimated 95 percent of the event waste. In addition to keeping so much waste out of the landfill, the new approach kept the quad clean throughout the event. A HUGE kudos to the Social Programming Board, Student Union, the Green Events Commission, and many student volunteers for reaching this milestone. It truly is a historic achievement.