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City Nature Challenge: Biodiversity Documenting Spree

The 2020 City Nature Challenge invites cities around the world to document their local biodiversity, embracing the collaborative aspect of sharing nature observations with a digital community and celebrating the healing power of nature.

This bioblitz-style event engages citizens in a biodiversity documenting spree from April 24-27. The aim of the international project is to engage the public in expanding our understanding of urban biodiversity. This citizen science-based challenge began in 2016 and has yielded observations of thousands of species, including hundreds of threatened or endangered species!

How to Participate?

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year participants are encouraged to explore in and around their homes, snap a picture of a wild plant or animal, and upload the photo to the free iNaturalist app, or send it to tysonconservationcorps@gmail.com. The Tyson Conservation Corps, along with many other organizations in the St. Louis area and around the world, will be participating. 

While usually a competition, this year is all about engaging with nature and sharing it with others. Because of this, you can participate in the challenge no matter where you are residing, even if it is not a participating city.

More info…

[Photo Credit: David Slipher/UC Davis]