Operations & Facilities Management Department strives to provide responsible stewardship for the long-term preservation and growth of WUSM’s physical assets while working to ensure a safe, welcoming and high-quality environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors.

The following projects illustrate WashU School of Medicine’s efforts to foster a sustainable environment while engaging with the local and global communities.

Lactation Room Program
OFMD launched the Lactation Room Program in 2014. It expanded to 15 rooms within 1 year and is now continuing to grow beyond the current 71 spaces. WUSM recognizes and takes affirmative steps to meet the needs of its faculty, staff, postdocs, clinical fellows, residents, visitors, trainees and students who are breastfeeding.

Shoe Recycling
WUSM community members contributed over 1 ton of shoes to the annual Shoe Drive in 2018. This event takes place between January and May each year and all donations are given to Shoecrew Water Projects to support their global initiative to bring water to communities in developing countries.

School Supply Drive
Each year in the summer months, OFMD organizes a School Supply Drive to benefit the Adams Elementary School in the nearby Forest Park Southeast neighborhood.

Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer opportunities for employees and students include the Earth Day celebration, the Employee Health Fair, the annual OFMD community outreach project, and various tabling events.
People & Place
This program acknowledges the value of OFMD employees to the department, the university, and the larger community. Its forum of monthly meetings brings speakers to OFMD with the goals of individual empowerment and career-related education.
Employee Health Fair
Many of our sustainability programs are featured at the annual employee health fair, including: the Lactation Room Program, Emergency Preparedness, the Pedestrian and Vehicular Safety and Education Program, and the Green Office program.