
Call for Sustainability Projects

Students, do you have a great idea related to sustainability? The Student Sustainability Fund (SSF) can help make it happen! The SSF is an executive entity under Student Union and allocates money towards funding graduate and undergraduate students’ green ideas that benefit the student body and promote an ethos of sustainability. The SSF is comprised of students, faculty, and administrators, all of whom review and vote on funding proposals. From Camp Kumquat and the Eco To-Go program to solar panels and art installations, SSF has helped many students’ sustainability ideas come to life.

Project will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Benefit to the student body
  • Sustainability
  • Achievability
  • Educational Component
  • Thought and effort reflected by the project proposal
  • Complete and detailed budget
  • Clearly defined outcome goals
  • Originality

To apply, go to the SSF website. The application deadline is Saturday, March 5, at midnight. Spread the word to interested friends and don’t miss your chance to make your ambitions come true on campus!

Questions? Email studentsustainabilityfund@su.wustl.edu.